Ryan's cousin Quentin was one of the first to congratulate us when we announced that we were planning to purchase a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He and his wife, Kelly, had been researching dog breeds themselves and wanted a Cavachon (half Cavalier and half Bichon Frize). They were so excited to hear we had decided on the same breed they loved! When they welcomed Wink into their family, we brought Cooper right over to meet her. They hit it off so fast! We have video of them chasing around the house, and doing a dance of sorts in the living room! I had no idea Cooper was that agile! He was hopping all over the place, being careful not to step on Wink. It was adorable. They have seen each other since, and still love playing. It is fun watching Cooper play big brother, of sorts.
Coopers other two good friends live in a nearby townhouse. Their names are Benny (a golden retriever) and Sage (a huskie, I think).They are huge, compared to Cooper, but every time we walk toward the park he tries to run up to their front door. He loves to chase with them and they are so good to Cooper, even when he gets a little too rambunctious for their taste. I love that I don't have to worry about his interactions with them. Yay for good friends.