
Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Big Apple

In recent anticipation of this trip, I couldn't decide whether it was coming at a horrible time (with my moms passing) or an optimal one.  But the reservations were made, the fees were paid, and one way or another it looked like it would be happening.  I'm glad it did.  It was a welcome distraction from the heaviness of the last month and sent me home stronger, better prepared to face the future.

We left the SLC airport at midnight, hoping to sleep on the plane before hitting the ground running at 6:20am in New York City, but the sleeping part didn't come very easily for any of us.  My travel companions on this trip were Ryan (of course), Shantele, Josh, Tami and Richard.  Chloe got to stay with her grandpa and with her aunt/uncle/cousins on a rotating schedule.  NYC isn't the ideal place for a busy, roaming toddler, we decided...particularly when considering the pace we anticipated keeping this trip.  She was in excellent hands but still, I missed her terribly.  From here on out, I may need to reevaluate the types of vacations we take so that she can come along. :)

I was the designated tour guide as I was the only person to have visited NYC before.  I was surprised at the changes made from my last visit, or at least my memory of them.  Our first stop (not counting McDonalds) after dropping off our luggage at Marriott was the Rockefeller Center, and more specifically, the Top of the Rock Observation Deck.

I had never been up there before and have to say that I enjoyed the view from its skyscraper more than that of the empire state building.  There is glass instead of a chain-link fence so you get more unobstructed pictures; it is less crowded; has a neater elevator; and overlooks the empire state bldg which is a grand icon of the city...why wouldn't you want it in the picture?!  
We ran into so many dutch visitors, all dressed in traditional attire, and even saw a beautiful bride and groom getting pictures up there.

I think being up there excited everyone for what they would be experiencing over the coming week!  Note to self for next time: that building has lots of mouth-watering restaurants inside.  I should check one out next time.  We then dropped down to the main floor, saw their Christmas Tree's crowning ornament, the crystal star on display in a fancy jewelry store...

...and came out of the building right in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral.  I couldn't have planned that any better because I really had no idea which exit we were coming out from.

We took pictures then went inside the cathedral.  Man, that church is epicly large and breathtaking.  We sat in the pughs for a while, resting and looking about.

Shale lit a candle and then we were on our way to ride some bikes...but not before taking a second to explore Rockefeller square and the legostore.  They also had a fancy chocolate store ($30+ a chocolate...gag) that actually gave me some ideas for future visit-teaching gifts.

We rode our bikes through Central Park, which I had hoped would be a relaxing experience.  The people at the bike shop thought two hours would be sufficient to see all the well-known sites at the park.  They were wrong.  There is soooo much more there that I want to explore, but I guess that allows for another visit!  Nevertheless, we petaled as fast as we could to see what we could.  Another thing we didn't know before reaching the park is that there is very little road you can actually petal your bikes through.  They have so much more "walking only" trails than biking trails.  The bikes could really only travel a big ONE WAY (gag me) loop, with maybe a couple cross overs.  Ryan and I ultimately pressed our luck by pedaling the wrong way on the wide one way street to ensure we saw the most important things on our list.  Our group didn't dare follow after being yelled at by a few strangers, so we had to separate, but he and I soldiered on until we saw a police officer and HAD to pull off onto a walking trail, walking our bikes.  We carried them up stairs and rough walkways to a castle we wanted to visit...which we ended up revisiting another day as it turns out...but we didn't know that was going to happen, haha.  It was fun being a little rebellious.  In a pant, we got our bikes back within minutes of our deadline, and we were all super exhausted.  

A Sore Loss

Heaven has never gleamed as bright as it does now.

My mother, Julie Ann (Jeppesen) Hawkins passed away on September 4, 2016, unexpectedly of a heart attack.  She was 64.  Words really cannot convey what a mother brings to her child's life (biological or otherwise).  That has never seemed as clear as it does now that I have to face the idea of carrying on without her, at least for a time.

My mother always gave 150% of herself to raising and supporting her husband and children, it shows in us,  and I will herald her example and her memory as long as I live.  She is sorely missed but I know I will see her again.  Families are eternal, and so is God's plan for them.  God be with you until we meet again.  I love you Mom!

Below is a link to her obituary:
Julie Ann Hawkins Obituary

Thanks to all that have reaching out in support of our family during this difficult time.  We feel the strength of your prayers, and are grateful for your gestures of kindness and love.

Monday, July 4, 2016

The 4th, Family & Flaming Gorge

The Stephens family escaped with us to Manilla over the 4th of July this year, and it was one of the happiest weekends of my summer!  I loved sharing our place with them, and we made some fun, new memories!  The pictures tell it all, I think, so I'll leave to them to do the talking this time.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Let's Go Jazz!

Dustin was able to snag tickets to the Jazz vs. Houston Rockets game and invited us along!  The two teams we equally matched so it made for an entertaining night.  I love close games!  It was nice being able to bring Chloe along and I think I can safely say she had a great time!  She loved having her own seat (which I had to hold down while she sat - and stood - on it).

She loved the music, enormous screens and the energy of the fans!  She enjoyed seeing her cousins and clapping with the crowd (even when the Rockets scored a point).  And probably most of all, she enjoyed the string of drinking fountains we visited during the 3rd quarter when she was getting a little antsy.

I loved the family time, introducing Chloe to something new, and the cuddles I got as Chloe was winding down during the fourth quarter.  The Jazz bear was fun to watch.  At one point, he took a plastic sled and flew headfirst down the stairs of the lower bowl.  I can't believe he managed it!  And the Jazz played well, so that was fun!  The game went into overtime and the kids were all past their bedtime so we watched the final minutes in the hallway so we could be among the first to our cars.  The Jazz won!!  Thanks for Dustin, Shar, and Zions Bank for a great night!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

MaKenzie's baptism!

We were fortunate enough to be present for our niece's baptism this Saturday.  
I have always called her my bestest litle buddy, but she is growing out of that label all too quickly!

It was wonderful to have the family there and to get reacquainted with Dustin's family members.

Our diva

We are so proud of MaKenzie for the decision she has made to get baptized and know if will bring her great happiness, peace and direction in life.  She is quite the young lady!!!  Back at home, I asked her how she felt about receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and loved her response..."Well, it doesn't seem all that different because, you know, it's (meaning the Spirit) here (at her home)."  What a wonderful thing to be able to say, and a great tribute to the efforts of her parents in making their home a place where the spirit will always reside.

Happy First Anniversary Chloe!

Families are Forever! It was a year ago today that we dressed our Chloe in white and had her sealed to us in a beautiful, emotional, forever-memorable temple ceremony! Everyone there will remember Chloe's laser focus on the sealer as he said the words that made her a part of our eternal family. I am so grateful for the blessings of the temple, the miracle of adoption, and that God and Chloe's birthmother entrusted us with this remarkable little angel.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Provo City Center Temple Open House

My mom shared the idea to visit the Provo City Center Temple Open House and initially I wasn't very enthusiastic.  It seemed like it would be a long drive, we've visited a few open houses recently, and I was already driving to Midway earlier in the week so two trips out that far did not seem fun.

Still, I knew mom would appreciate the visit, I knew it would be a beautiful temple and I ultimately decided it would be quality time with two of the ladies I love most -- my mom and Chloe. 
And...just to sweeten the pot, I decided that I would add more justification to the trip by stopping by IKEA on the way home.  Haha!  

I am glad we went.  Chloe looked adorable in her petticoat and plastic footies!  It was so fun watching her shuffle around with that iconic smile.  Something in Chloe's eyes told me she really appreciated the experience and the spirit that was there.  The temple was remarkably beautiful. Definitely a favorite, so much so that I'm contemplating sealing our next child to us in this temple.

The artwork in the creation room sent my heart a-flutter.  LOVE LOVE LOVE those colors together and I appreciate the talent of those who put their entire hearts into this project.  I read an article about them.  Their philosophy was always, "Is it good enough for who it is for?"  If that doesn't suggest the quality of their work and the degree of effort they must have put in, I don't know what more to say of it.

After the walkthrough we visited Los Hermanos, a family favorite from previous vacations in the area.  Chloe didn't love it as much, but she has reached that magical age where being restrained to a high chair or booster is akin to being locked in the cellar.

I was able to make my trip to IKEA and take mom to BB&B, which she loves.  It was a wonderful day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Midway's Ice Castles

My sister has been eager to visit Midway's Ice Castles for a few years now and was especially determined to place her plans into action this year.  I, coincidentally, had toyed with the idea last year but the weather was too warm to warrant anything spectacular and they were only open for 3 days.  Tami and Richard have been wanting to see the their grandchildren enjoy the ice castles for a couple years now and my dad liked the idea when he heard about our plans this year.  Shale is dating Alysse, who was interested, and Josh was too.  So, in short, the group just kept growing!  The downside was that Ryan got called into some work for his calling and wasn't feeling his best so he opted not to come.  We had two extra tickets and managed to sell them off to two of the strangers that ended up in the shot above, along with their 3 family members.  And Elsa & Anna, well, they live in and love ice castles so that makes sense!  I wish Chloe was a little older so she could appreciate the opportunity she had to meet 2 Disney Princesses!  

We arrived after weathering a nasty snowstorm through Parleys canyon.  The happy news was that there wasn't an ounce of wind or snow at our final destination!  It was cold, don't get me wrong, but super tolerable with the layers we brought for ourselves and Chloe.  She looked like an adorable eskimo and got lots of ohs and awes from strangers!  

We got some fun pictures, enjoyed the stalagtites and tunnels and especially enjoyed the ice slide!  It was super fast!  Chloe got really tired of feeling confined by the end of the night but was happy to cuddle in the car, where she could shed some layers and wrap herself in one of her favorite blankets.  

I loved the carride and castles, and the time with loved ones!

Monday, February 1, 2016

How to Keep a Toddler Happy at her Dr's Appointment...

Chloe is a smart cookie and as such, remembers the faces of those that poke her with needles, so the minute we walk into the door of the pediatric clinic she starts crying.  The poor dear, I remember doing the same thing all through my growing up years.  What I didn't know is how a child's emotional pain afflicts parents just as much, if not more!  My poor mother, haha!  
I was determined to distract her and was prompted with an excellent idea!  I pulled out my phone, flipped to the selfie camera, and started making faces.  It wasn't long before Chloe's tears turned into quaint smiles, chuckles and then roaring laughter!  I love being a mom, and knowing I have the power to shape my daughters mind and attitude.  I am grateful to be able to soothe her as only a mother can.  We had the best time and captured some precious pictures that I will treasure forever.  
Parenting is a huge, all-encompassing responsibility and keeping Chloe healthy, well-fed, and growing is an enormous part of that.   We believe in immunizations and the benefits of health care.  We love Chloe's kind-natured doctor and the clinic we belong to.  They have 24hr care for those gut-wrenching emergencies and are so wise to trust a mother's intuition and to work WITH us to make sure that Chloe stays healthy and happy.  
She is growing well and sure gets her fill during meal times!  We love our little gobble-monster!  There's hardly a meal out there that she doesn't love!  It's sometimes sad to see that she is growing up so quickly but we are grateful beyond all means that she's growing in a healthy way if she has to at all!