
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Is This Real Life?!!!!

Today I stand in awe of miracles.

A miracle is a welcome event that cannot be explained by science and thus is generally attributed to some divine agency.  My life has been full of these 'welcome events' and each one of them causes me to turn in gratitude to a loving Heavenly Father.  Each day I know He walks with us and leads us toward good things.  The greatest miracle to take place in my life has been becoming a mother through adoption.  This event was not a single miracle, but a galaxy of little mercies that worked together for our good.

Here are just a few:
The miracle of being born to my family in the time and place I was chosen to come here.
The miracle of coping with infertility and finding true healing.
The miracle of finding and marrying a man who loves me enough to walk this path with me.
The miracle of coming to know a friend, who ultimately facilitated the bridge between us and Chloe's birth family.  
The miracle of finding an emotional connection as strangers and knowing, through the spirit, that she could trust us with the life and well-being of the person she loves most in the world.   
The miracle of finalizing this adoption just as our agency was closing its doors on facilitating adoptions.  Chloe's court date was our caseworker's VERY LAST finalization hearing. 
The miracle of her healthy delivery.
The miracle of courage her birth mother had to demonstrate in signing relinquishment papers.
The miracle of becoming a mother in every truest sense, when it was physically impossible.
The miracle of having family and friends who support adoption and provided overwhelming support for Chloe as she joined our family.   She is showered with love at every turn.
The miracle of being filled with a greater love than I ever thought was possible.
The miracle of temple sealings and priesthood power that bind us eternally as a family.
The miracle of parenting this beautiful, intelligent, strong, healthy, incredible little girl and knowing she will be in our lives forever.  
And then, of course, are the many unseen miracles of which I have not learned. 
These miracles show me once and for all that God loves me and is over all.

And of Chloe's birthmother, who I have been thinking of the entire day...

I met her only twice and yet I love her more than words can say.  She gave me only one gift and yet I am eternally in her debt.  I know so little about her passions, ambitions and achievements and yet she sits on a pedestal and I aspire to be the type of person I know her to be.

Happy Mothers Day to the woman whose loving choice to place her daughter for adoption has illuminated my life and infused it with such joy as I have never known.  She has singularly helped me achieve the impossible and progress in my life mission.  I credit her for every lesson I learn from motherhood, for every christlike attribute that being a parent affords me.  I am learning so much from being a mom and it is all because of her.  Chloe's birthmother has provided me the source of the greatest meaning my life has known.  Every time my daughter makes me smile or laugh I have her to thank for it.  Chloe is my world and her birthmother brought her into it.  I am forever changed and better because of her confidence in us and her immeasurable love for her little girl.

I want to thank her for being the mother her daughter needed her to be.  I want to thank her for being the mother I needed her to be in order to become one myself.  I could do no better than to teach our daughter to love, honor and emulate her for the type of individual she who loves first and loves most.

You can't imagine the many moments I have spent thinking of her.  Some nights as I watch her sleeping in my arms, I tear up for the sacrifices I know she has made.  I hug Chloe tighter and kiss her more often for her birthmother. When I imagine life without this perfect baby I cringe and ask God to bless and uphold her birthmother.  I ask Him to send her every righteous desire of her heart, every reward on earth and in heaven for blessing my life with so much good.  If there is ever a dream in her heart I pray she sees that it is realized in some way.  I hope she knows she is not forgotten in this our lives.  I imagine her heart must be stinging more acutely today and I can only say that I do believe that all our losses will be made up.

Dear Birthmother, you are loved by Heavenly Father and will be blessed for choosing adoption for Chloe. I hope you are finding peace and happiness.  Thank you for all you have given us.  We love you truly and always have a door open for you.  Happy Mothers Day.  

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