
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Meet our Cooper!

After 3 years of pleading my cause, I finally got a puppy!  Ryan, who at first worried about costs, allergies, time commitments, etc (all the practical stuff)  he has fallen completely in love!  Cooper, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, brings us so much happiness!  At last we can say we are parents...

My family loves watching this guy!

He didnt love this bed at first, but now he drags it wherever he wants to lie in it! 

My favorite times with Cooper are when he is cuddling with us in his sleep!

Trying to find crafty ways to keep a very curious and hyper puppy contained while I try to get chores done!  

Cooper has filled our hearts with a new kind of love and it makes us even more enthusiastic for a baby!  And probably a little more prepared!  Anyone who can't find the parallels between puppy parenting and human parenting probably needs to have their first puppy.  The correlations are pretty obvious and super educational!  

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