
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Provo City Center Temple Open House

My mom shared the idea to visit the Provo City Center Temple Open House and initially I wasn't very enthusiastic.  It seemed like it would be a long drive, we've visited a few open houses recently, and I was already driving to Midway earlier in the week so two trips out that far did not seem fun.

Still, I knew mom would appreciate the visit, I knew it would be a beautiful temple and I ultimately decided it would be quality time with two of the ladies I love most -- my mom and Chloe. 
And...just to sweeten the pot, I decided that I would add more justification to the trip by stopping by IKEA on the way home.  Haha!  

I am glad we went.  Chloe looked adorable in her petticoat and plastic footies!  It was so fun watching her shuffle around with that iconic smile.  Something in Chloe's eyes told me she really appreciated the experience and the spirit that was there.  The temple was remarkably beautiful. Definitely a favorite, so much so that I'm contemplating sealing our next child to us in this temple.

The artwork in the creation room sent my heart a-flutter.  LOVE LOVE LOVE those colors together and I appreciate the talent of those who put their entire hearts into this project.  I read an article about them.  Their philosophy was always, "Is it good enough for who it is for?"  If that doesn't suggest the quality of their work and the degree of effort they must have put in, I don't know what more to say of it.

After the walkthrough we visited Los Hermanos, a family favorite from previous vacations in the area.  Chloe didn't love it as much, but she has reached that magical age where being restrained to a high chair or booster is akin to being locked in the cellar.

I was able to make my trip to IKEA and take mom to BB&B, which she loves.  It was a wonderful day.

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